There's also number of clone consoles available, and some of them are even officially licensed! The Super Retro Trio, Retron3, and Retron5 are pretty good. There are mods to restore most of these features (not Sega CD though). Compatibility with the Master System, 32x, Virtua Racing, and Sega CD were stripped out to make it cheaper. A stock unit is really only good for Genesis games. The Genesis 3 was a late model released for cheap. There are certain mods that are available that can help restore the sound to original genesis units (see Triple Bypass mod). You can tell as they will have the Mega Modem port on the back.

The original modes from launch are usually the best with sound in mind. The Genesis 1 and 2 have a bunch of internal revisions as well. The three main ones are the original "High-Definition Graphics" model, the Genesis 2, and Genesis 3. There are several revisions of the Genesis.